1.   The soffit vents provide cooling air at the eaves, the ridge vent allows the air flow constantly.

2.   And even if it is well ventilated, a ridge vent is a good idea, to help air escape from the attic.

3.   And, make sure the ridge vent is actually venting.

4.   Another thing you can do to ventilate the attic is to install a ridge vent, which will ventilate better than the fan and at no cost.

5.   And, make sure that the ridge vent is also operating correctly.

6.   And, of course, an inspection of the ridge vent from the attic should also reveal that cut sheathing.

7.   As for installing large gable vents, you can try, but the gable vents are what the ridge vent is designed to eliminate.

8.   Better yet is to put up half a ridge vent, where the roof butts into the wall.

9.   A final bonus of a ridge vent is that it often eliminates or reduces the likelihood of ice dams in the winter.

10.   A ridge vent is really quite weatherproof, although any vent can leak in wind-driven rain and snow.

n. + vent >>共 74
ridge 22.96%
air 21.73%
soffit 12.84%
roof 5.43%
gable 3.95%
exhaust 2.96%
power 2.96%
side 1.73%
steam 1.73%
attic 1.48%
ridge + n. >>共 27
vent 53.76%
line 15.03%
route 5.78%
top 5.20%
board 4.05%
shingle 2.31%
pattern 1.16%
running 1.16%
tree 1.16%
angle 0.58%
每页显示:    共 92