1.   Some professors resisted the intrusion of computers into the classroom and complained that requiring everybody to use the IBM Thinkpad somehow threatened intellectual freedom.

2.   This time, the Census Bureau resisted the intrusion into its files.

3.   Orlando, the last surviving brother, urged the Indians to resist intrusion by any means necessary.

4.   Dobrynin resisted this intrusion into the politics of another country, but the Kremlin insisted.

v. + intrusion >>共 81
resent 9.66%
prevent 6.21%
detect 5.52%
limit 2.76%
represent 2.76%
resist 2.76%
fear 2.07%
allow 2.07%
accept 2.07%
discover 2.07%
resist + n. >>共 914
temptation 8.74%
pressure 7.83%
arrest 6.08%
effort 5.24%
call 4.93%
attempt 3.83%
change 3.12%
urge 2.88%
idea 2.51%
demand 2.19%
intrusion 0.09%
每页显示:    共 4