resist temptation 26.60   That temptation should be resisted.
  resist pressure 23.83   He resisted pressure to resign.
  resist arrest 18.50   Police said he had resisted arrest.
  resist effort 15.93   Kessel said he would resist those efforts.
  resist call 15.01   But thousands resisted the call.
  resist attempt 11.65   Banks may resist the attempts at rationing.
  resist change 9.48   Bush resisted the changes.
  resist urge 8.76   Either way, resist the urge.
  resist idea 7.64   Many resist the idea.
  resist demand 6.65   U.N. officials have resisted the demand.
  resist move 5.13   But the party resisted the move.
  resist suggestion 2.63   McCain resisted suggestions that he launch a broadside at Bush.
  resist proposal 2.44   Reagan had long resisted the proposal.
  resist impulse 2.30   Resist the impulse to stir.
  resist plan 2.30   Congress resisted the plan.
  resist notion 2.04   Microsoft, of course, resists the notion of the post-PC era.
  resist occupation 2.04   Nobody in the world can deny the Lebanese the right to resist occupation.
  resist lure 1.97   Mickey never could resist the lure of a racetrack.
  resist request 1.78   The defense strongly resisted the request.
  resist order 1.71   Followers of the monk resisted his order.
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