1.   I resented this intrusion into my domestic affairs.

2.   The miners probably resented the intrusion but must have been fearful of the possible consequences of this calamity.

3.   And even as Southerners take a leading role in national politics, they still deeply resent federal intrusion.

4.   And even as Southerners take a leading role in national politics, they still resent federal intrusion.

5.   A few of the neighbors resented the intrusion on their privacy.

6.   Councilman Antonio Pagan bluntly admits that he resents the intrusion of black Harlem into East Harlem.

7.   Either way, you kind of resent the intrusion.

8.   For some in Virgin, the ordinance represents how people there resent government intrusion in their lives.

9.   His trips, he recalled, had their close calls, from unforgiving terrain to tribes who resented his intrusion in New Guinea.

10.   Others resent the intrusion.

v. + intrusion >>共 81
resent 9.66%
prevent 6.21%
detect 5.52%
limit 2.76%
represent 2.76%
resist 2.76%
fear 2.07%
allow 2.07%
accept 2.07%
discover 2.07%
resent + n. >>共 319
fact 6.62%
presence 4.97%
intrusion 2.32%
way 2.32%
criticism 1.99%
attention 1.66%
rule 1.66%
suggestion 1.66%
attempt 1.49%
implication 1.32%
每页显示:    共 14