1.   I have always loved dogs and I became involved with the association when I met a lady who was also involved in puppy training.

2.   If you are interested in early puppy training, here are some tips on finding the right class.

3.   The timing was perfect for getting a new pet, as Patty was between jobs and had lots of time for puppy training.

4.   We could find common ground in an interest in heirloom potato varieties or the vicissitudes of puppy training.

n. + training >>共 569
spring 48.72%
job 7.16%
weight 2.66%
flight 1.80%
strength 1.49%
computer 1.29%
police 1.19%
staff 1.15%
management 1.03%
session 0.97%
puppy 0.08%
puppy + n. >>共 50
dog 19.79%
mill 17.71%
raiser 5.21%
training 4.17%
home 3.13%
coat 2.08%
face 2.08%
owner 2.08%
buyer 1.04%
call 1.04%
每页显示:    共 4