1.   After training sessions, keep any literature or handouts together with the forms so that you build up your own references to guide you.

2.   Make sure you attend the computer training sessions.

3.   Managers and supervisors applauded the new approach and eagerly attended the financial training sessions.

4.   He heads the department dealing with training for radio presentation and travels widely taking training sessions and teaching the use of recording equipment.

5.   Courses are at present being run in London, the South West, the North West and in Edinburgh, Norfolk also run further training sessions.

6.   Besides frequent training sessions on using the Internet, Cybersmith stores offer to hold birthday parties and corporate computer training sessions.

7.   A tough business woman who stressed the empowerment of women, Ash sprinkled her training sessions with massive doses of positive thinking.

8.   After training sessions, the surgeons operated in the daytime, as the simulator assessed their work.

9.   But in the city, the elevator inspectors do not attend any safety training sessions.

10.   During the training sessions, several of the managers discover exactly what is meant by detail, said Fenninger.

n. + training >>共 569
spring 48.72%
job 7.16%
weight 2.66%
flight 1.80%
strength 1.49%
computer 1.29%
police 1.19%
staff 1.15%
management 1.03%
session 0.97%
session + n. >>共 340
training 5.34%
practice 5.13%
end 3.16%
last 3.05%
strategy 3.05%
court 2.51%
musician 2.29%
low 1.85%
counseling 1.85%
brainstorming 1.74%
每页显示:    共 49