1.   And like potatoes, these Latin tubers also provide a perfect backdrop for more aggressive flavorings, from hot chilies to pungent garlic and tangy citrus.

2.   Because sulfur compounds common in the soil in the northeast make the garlic more pungent and increase the production of compounds believed by many to have health benefits.

3.   Snails might also be edible, particularly in a pungent garlic sauce.

4.   The Pagnol stories spring from the lavender-carpeted hills of Provence, and so, every year, does an astonishing amount of pungent garlic.

a. + garlic >>共 134
roasted 10.75%
minced 10.75%
remaining 8.17%
fresh 5.81%
chopped 5.16%
crushed 4.09%
raw 4.09%
whole 2.80%
peeled 1.94%
fried 1.72%
pungent 0.86%
pungent + n. >>共 138
smell 15.69%
odor 6.20%
aroma 5.47%
flavor 3.28%
smoke 2.92%
cheese 2.19%
herb 1.82%
fume 1.46%
garlic 1.46%
sauce 1.46%
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