1.   Banfield said the information went to CDDB via a proxy server, a computer that masks certain data, to protect the privacy of RealJukebox users.

2.   Eventually, I plan to set up a client-server network with a proxy server to be able to share my Internet connection.

3.   In addition, some companies route their Internet traffic through a bit of software called a proxy server.

4.   Some government officials use proxy servers to read the Times Web site.

5.   That code would allow the proxy server to send occasional messages to the Web site tallying how many visitors it had received.

6.   The proposal asks software makers to add a few lines of code to the software that runs proxy servers and Web sites.

7.   The proxy server intercepts commands from the other machines, then passes them on to your Internet provider as though they came from the computer with the modem.

8.   There are many ways to fool proxy servers, but the most common way is to code the Web site to expire every hour.

9.   Users will have to program their Web browsers to use the proxy server.

10.   Use a proxy server.

n. + server >>共 114
computer 15.56%
network 7.02%
file 7.02%
e-mail 6.26%
mail 4.93%
food 4.55%
process 4.36%
root 3.61%
altar 3.23%
proxy 3.23%
proxy + n. >>共 87
fight 23.20%
statement 16.30%
war 8.81%
battle 6.31%
vote 5.73%
militia 5.43%
material 3.52%
contest 3.38%
server 2.50%
firm 2.35%
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