1.   Among the potential targets are the root servers that route Web traffic.

2.   As I say that, there could be structures applied to a given TLD that will lead to heavy overloading of the root servers.

3.   A used-car lot might not want to advertise on a site named like-new.used.car unless every computer was programmed to recognize the .car root server.

4.   It simply oversees the allocation of Internet domains and the root servers, among a few other things.

5.   Many people are offering proposals for how to reorganize the root servers.

6.   Network Solutions would turn over control of the root server to the nonprofit organization.

7.   Of all the computers that make up the Internet, the machines that are ultimately responsible for keeping track of all the names are called the root servers.

8.   The directories that translate the names into numbers are stored on large computers known as root servers.

9.   The role and future of root servers already has the attention of government officials in Washington and abroad.

10.   There are actually nine root servers for the .com domain and more for others.

n. + server >>共 114
computer 15.56%
network 7.02%
file 7.02%
e-mail 6.26%
mail 4.93%
food 4.55%
process 4.36%
root 3.61%
altar 3.23%
proxy 3.23%
root + n. >>共 143
cause 30.74%
vegetable 7.79%
ball 6.20%
growth 3.90%
end 3.75%
package 3.46%
server 2.74%
problem 2.60%
rot 1.88%
zone 1.59%
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