1.   All data is stored on a central file server.

2.   AppleSearch is a workgroup-based product designed to give easy access to large document libraries residing on file servers.

3.   Encina services include two-phase commit, a structured file server, a transaction monitor and client-to-host communications.

4.   In the SmartStream scheme, mainframes can be retained as file servers while cheaper Unix boxes assume its traditional tasks.

5.   So, what makes a good file server?

6.   The basic design of the nodes is borrowed from commercial file servers.

7.   This will include file server, licence management, and support for links to other environments.

8.   You also get full support for a Novell NetWare file server.

9.   Thus the large datasets are still there, but those who manage them are more likely to place them on a file server with appropriate network access.

10.   But interactive video will require signals to flow back from the consumer to the file servers.

n. + server >>共 114
computer 15.56%
network 7.02%
file 7.02%
e-mail 6.26%
mail 4.93%
food 4.55%
process 4.36%
root 3.61%
altar 3.23%
proxy 3.23%
file + n. >>共 189
name 8.94%
folder 5.24%
picture 5.11%
footage 4.98%
format 4.73%
server 4.73%
transfer 3.70%
drawer 3.07%
manager 2.43%
attachment 2.17%
每页显示:    共 37