1.   Only one hundred copies were printed.

2.   She printed three copies of the letter.

3.   We will now print a copy of the form letter and its envelope.

4.   You can use this function to print repeated copies of a string.

5.   The original print run had been snapped up and further copies would be printed.

6.   Always print a copy of each step of the booking process.

7.   And they can then print a copy of their work and add it to their class journal.

8.   At night, after work, he types a thought for the day on the computer and prints copies.

9.   After printing a copy in Nemeth Braille, the student can check for any translation errors by listening as the problems are read back by the computer program.

v. + copy >>共 352
make 8.30%
send 6.51%
obtain 6.40%
receive 5.54%
have 5.32%
get 4.24%
give 3.08%
provide 2.97%
release 2.89%
distribute 2.51%
print 0.92%
print + n. >>共 452
money 7.10%
name 3.13%
picture 3.13%
story 2.97%
article 2.40%
book 2.35%
photograph 2.04%
copy 1.77%
ballot 1.67%
document 1.51%
每页显示:    共 34