make copy 20.21   Copies can be made.
  send copy 15.87   I sent more copies.
  obtain copy 15.60   The Chronicle obtained a copy.
  receive copy 13.50   He said he had not yet received a copy.
  have copy 12.97   The AJC has a copy.
  get copy 10.34   Can I get a copy?
  give copy 7.50   A copy was then given to AFP.
  provide copy 7.24   Weber later provided a copy of the rules.
  release copy 7.04   The Pentagon released copies.
  distribute copy 6.12   Distribute copies to beneficiaries.
  buy copy 5.46   Buy a copy.
  keep copy 5.46   But keep a copy.
  sell copy 5.40   I could sell copies.
  see copy 4.74   A copy was seen Thursday.
  find copy 2.90   Help me find any copies.
  produce copy 2.90   Their excursions produced sensational copy.
  sign copy 2.70   Signing copies of his autobiography.
  fax copy 2.50   A copy was faxed to The Associated Press.
  request copy 2.44   Motley said the TV networks have requested copies.
  carry copy 2.37   Carry copy.
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