print money 8.95   Japan prints money.
  print name 3.95   Yes please print your name.
  print picture 3.95   He printed a picture of Keiser.
  print story 3.75   News event happens, newspaper prints story.
  print article 3.03   Those articles were printed mainly by El Watin and Le Matin.
  print book 2.96   Three Potter books have been printed.
  print photograph 2.57   The Daily Telegraph printed a photograph of the man.
  print copy 2.24   Only one hundred copies were printed.
  print ballot 2.11   Will new ballots be printed?
  print document 1.91   Print the document.
  print letter 1.65   The letter was not printed.
  print information 1.58   Can you print the information again?
  print material 1.58   The material is printed in more than a dozen languages.
  print image 1.51   Its image is printed on university stationery.
  print word 1.45   Will you print the words?
  print ad 1.38   Print ads for hard liquor?
  print edition 1.38   Newspapers printed special editions.
  print photo 1.38   You can print the photos.
  print list 1.25   Can you print that list?
  print newspaper 1.25   Newspapers were printed with black bands.
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