1.   Some practitioners argue that a very detailed analysis of the organisation should be carted out at this time.

2.   This was certainly perceptive, and most practitioners would argue strongly for strengthening the role of the DBA.

3.   Other practitioners argue that the return to addiction is a separate problem, not a reason to condemn rapid detox.

4.   Practitioners argue endlessly over dinosaur metabolism, the origin of birds and countless other questions, partly because the fossil record is flawed by enormous gaps and glaring ambiguities.

n. + argue >>共 987
official 5.99%
lawyer 5.77%
critic 4.61%
opponent 3.44%
government 3.36%
prosecutor 3.23%
company 2.91%
defense 2.20%
group 2.11%
supporter 2.03%
practitioner 0.04%
practitioner + v. >>共 176
be 14.80%
say 8.66%
have 3.63%
use 3.35%
believe 1.96%
agree 1.68%
prescribe 1.40%
argue 1.12%
call 1.12%
come 1.12%
每页显示:    共 4