official argue 35.88   Company officials argued that he was able to work.
  lawyer argue 34.56   His lawyer argued this proved the jeans were not his.
  critic argue 27.65   But critics argue that that is not the point.
  opponent argue 20.61   Opponents argued that Prop.
  government argue 20.14   Both governments argue it jeopardizes their sovereignty.
  prosecutor argue 19.35   Prosecutors argued it proved nothing.
  company argue 17.45   Rabinovicz, the company argues, was rude.
  defense argue 13.17   This, the defense argues, was legitimate work.
  group argue 12.64   But the other group argues that this is futile.
  supporter argue 12.18   Supporters argue the idea has merit.
  attorney argue 11.19   Attorneys argued from their seats to the side.
  administration argue 10.47   The administration argues that Dole is posturing.
  expert argue 10.20   Experts argue about the meaning of all this.
  leader argue 9.87   Industry leaders argue that change is happening slowly.
  analyst argue 9.02   Some analysts argue that it would not.
  economist argue 8.76   Economists can argue it either way.
  people argue 7.90   Sometimes people argue.
  advocate argue 7.44   Housing advocates argue persuasively for more.
  industry argue 7.18   The industry argues that the damage is already starting.
  executive argue 7.11   GM executives might argue the point.
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