1.   But some practitioners believe raw herbs can be tailored more specifically.

2.   Practitioners of aromatherapy believe the volatile chemicals directly stimulate the brain or are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream, where they can affect internal organs.

3.   Some family law practitioners believe the court is overstepping.

4.   Vastu practitioners believe that properly decorating each of these regions will enhance positive energy in the home, plus neutralize negative energy.

5.   Practitioners believe Falun Gong promotes well-being, high moral standards and even supernatural powers.

6.   Practitioners believe Falun Gong aids health and even gives accomplished followers supernatural powers.

7.   Practitioners believe that eating meat and processed foods contributes to aggression and disharmony not only in individuals, but in whole societies, undermining prospects for world peace.

n. + believe >>共 628
official 8.24%
police 7.86%
analyst 6.69%
expert 4.89%
people 4.77%
investigator 4.12%
authority 4.01%
scientist 3.11%
observer 2.53%
researcher 1.72%
practitioner 0.04%
practitioner + v. >>共 176
be 14.80%
say 8.66%
have 3.63%
use 3.35%
believe 1.96%
agree 1.68%
prescribe 1.40%
argue 1.12%
call 1.12%
come 1.12%
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