1.   Pit closures have put thousands of miners out of a job.

2.   These ravenous companies claim to provide jobs to communities starved of employment following the pit closures.

3.   Other areas are to lose aid so that money can be reallocated to towns devastated by pit closures.

4.   The European Community has turned down a request from the British Government for nearly twenty-five million pounds to assist coal-mining regions affected by pit closures.

5.   The High Court has adjourned ruling on whether or not pit closures are legal until next week.

6.   So, after an historic climbdown over the pit closures, and a weekend of furious public protests, what of Michael Heseltine?

7.   The sheer strength of feeling across the nation this afternoon forced the President of Trade and Industry to backtrack on the pit closures.

8.   A country landlord is helping to fight pit closures by changing the name of his pub.

9.   He promised a moratorium on pit closures if Labour won.

10.   CONTROVERSY over pit closures has created some strange bedfellows.

n. + closure >>共 147
plant 9.18%
security 9.02%
border 9.02%
road 6.56%
bank 4.10%
pit 3.44%
factory 3.28%
blanket 3.11%
branch 2.62%
hospital 2.46%
pit + n. >>共 144
road 17.21%
crew 11.58%
lane 10.90%
area 4.09%
latrine 3.92%
closure 3.58%
row 2.56%
mine 2.39%
wall 2.04%
stall 2.04%
每页显示:    共 21