1.   There, pit latrines inside homes take pride of place, their arched entrances lavishly embellished with stone carvings.

2.   A chief problem is that people build unsophisticated pit latrines that tend to flood when it rains.

3.   Does the house have a flush toilet, pit latrine, bucket or none?

4.   Many were shoved into pit latrines or piled into shallow graves.

5.   On Tuesday, the bodies of six people were pulled from a pit latrine in a building next to the site of the fire.

6.   Pit latrines must be dug near the street to make it easier for the authorities, if and when they get around to it, to lay sewer lines.

7.   The stench from the pit latrine is still fresh and terrible, so much so that people believe there are many more bodies down there.

8.   The stench from the pit latrine is still fresh and terrible, so much so that people believe there are many more corpses down there.

9.   Others were beaten to death, thrown into pit latrines, drowned, raped, burned or starved.

10.   Later, six bodies were found in a nearby pit latrine.

n. + latrine >>共 6
pit 76.67%
army-style 6.67%
plywood 6.67%
office 3.33%
open-pit 3.33%
raccoon 3.33%
pit + n. >>共 144
road 17.21%
crew 11.58%
lane 10.90%
area 4.09%
latrine 3.92%
closure 3.58%
row 2.56%
mine 2.39%
wall 2.04%
stall 2.04%
每页显示:    共 23