1.   Within each quarter there are selected road closures and some one-way streets, making journeys even more circuitous for non-residents.

2.   As clerk to the Parish Council I have received complaints about the recent flooding and road closure notices on Gubberford Lane.

3.   Irish Street, Downpatrick, environmental improvement scheme -- one-way traffic in Irish Street for duration of works except Sundays and Mondays when road closures is in operation.

4.   City officials, however, complain the road closure not only disrupts cross-town traffic for thousands of vehicles daily, but also projects a weak image to terrorists.

5.   Continuing security checkpoints and unexpected road closures can still make driving a harrowing experience.

6.   For a few moments, these grisly acts of mercy suspended the ferocity of disagreements about state subventions to seminaries, draft exemptions and Saturday road closures.

7.   Most schools in that area, including Pepperdine University, canceled classes, and the Malibu Courthouse was closed because of road closures.

8.   No serious injuries were reported in New Jersey, but high winds caused road closures throughout the state.

9.   Officials said that there was agreement to some road closures and other steps.

10.   Others say that more road closures are a good idea.

n. + closure >>共 147
plant 9.18%
security 9.02%
border 9.02%
road 6.56%
bank 4.10%
pit 3.44%
factory 3.28%
blanket 3.11%
branch 2.62%
hospital 2.46%
road + n. >>共 698
trip 18.65%
game 8.73%
accident 5.20%
block 3.47%
race 1.91%
course 1.83%
rage 1.76%
sign 1.72%
condition 1.68%
link 1.62%
closure 0.56%
每页显示:    共 40