1.   The relation between total gastric pepsinogen secretion in vitro and the peptic activity in vivo is not fully understood.

2.   In this regard the adrenergic stimulated pepsinogen secretion mediated by cAMP, may become an alternate pathway of bacteria induced decrease of peptic activity.

3.   Recently, it has been suggested that in humans gastric acid and serum pepsinogen secretion rates increase with age as does the prevalence of H pylori infection.

4.   Moreover, in a recent study it was suggested that aging is associated with increasing gastrin and pepsinogen secretion in humans, particularly in men.

5.   In vitro studies of cells showed that somatostatin inhibits pepsinogen secretion by decreasing cyclic AMP in chief cells.

n. + secretion >>共 47
enzyme 9.26%
bicarbonate 7.41%
gastrin 6.48%
amylase 5.56%
bile 4.63%
pepsinogen 4.63%
insulin 3.70%
alkali 2.78%
antibody 2.78%
histamine 2.78%
pepsinogen + n. >>共 9
concentration 37.04%
secretion 18.52%
value 14.81%
gene 7.41%
synthesis 7.41%
accumulation 3.70%
activity 3.70%
content 3.70%
level 3.70%
每页显示:    共 5