1.   ...insulin secretion.

2.   Also, serum glucose concentrations may vary considerably during a constant infusion of blucose due to insulin secretion.

3.   For instance, high glucose concentrations stimulate insulin secretion in healthy volunteers and hyperinsulinemia affects gastrointestinal function.

4.   High-carbohydrate meals do stimulate insulin secretion, which can push potassium into cells.

n. + secretion >>共 47
enzyme 9.26%
bicarbonate 7.41%
gastrin 6.48%
amylase 5.56%
bile 4.63%
pepsinogen 4.63%
insulin 3.70%
alkali 2.78%
antibody 2.78%
histamine 2.78%
insulin + n. >>共 65
shot 16.22%
injection 15.88%
resistance 13.51%
level 10.14%
production 3.04%
receptor 3.04%
dose 2.70%
release 2.03%
gene 2.03%
product 2.03%
secretion 1.35%
每页显示:    共 4