1.   As the legislature opened its session Friday, it adopted a proclamation expressing its concern that the state will fail to finalize its slate of electors.

2.   A treaty could be ready for signing when the United Nations opens the General Assembly session in New York in September.

3.   Five Democrats joined the GOP majority in voting to close the debate, while three Republicans agreed with most Democrats to open the session.

4.   For all its talk Tuesday, the Senate plans a muted opening session on Wednesday, with a speech by Dole and but a couple of votes.

5.   From time to time guest chaplains open legislative sessions.

6.   He joked that leaders are planning a dress rehearsal for opening session, because Republicans have no experience in how to run the House.

7.   Lott opposed opening the session.

8.   Opening the session, Clinton bounded up to an East Room lectern and hailed a new era of American strength and prestige at home and abroad.

9.   Q. One argument against opening the session was that jury deliberations are traditionally closed.

10.   The full ethics committee began deliberating the report shortly after it was released, meeting in open session to question Cole and Evans.

v. + session >>共 294
attend 13.67%
hold 10.06%
schedule 5.39%
plan 2.76%
close 2.36%
boycott 2.36%
call 2.23%
have 2.05%
open 2.00%
follow 1.96%
open + n. >>共 626
fire 19.87%
door 10.24%
market 2.73%
way 2.42%
office 2.30%
investigation 2.16%
talk 2.14%
possibility 2.05%
eye 1.78%
window 1.18%
session 0.16%
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