1.   By then the football season is well under way, having started its professional season with exhibition games following training sessions that begin in early July.

2.   Elsewhere, bank and airline stocks retreated Monday following a few sessions of solid gains.

3.   Following the session, Cohen said he had a productive exchange with doubting members.

4.   Freud was unaware that against the rules of analysis, the skeptical Wortis followed each session by writing down what had occurred and forwarding reports to Ellis and Meyer.

5.   Planning sessions were followed by equipment checks followed by in-air refuelings before dropping bombs and repeating the equipment checks and refueling on the way home.

6.   That lighthearted session was followed by the arrival of Kentucky, who look as grim and serious as undertakers.

7.   That session is followed by team meetings with the entire linebacker corps, practice and more linebacker meetings.

8.   The government held its second budget-related debate today, following a session on Sunday.

9.   The letter added that the session would be followed immediately by a second meeting with the father that would include Elian.

10.   This hour-long session is followed by Sunday School, and by morning and evening services.

v. + session >>共 294
attend 13.67%
hold 10.06%
schedule 5.39%
plan 2.76%
close 2.36%
boycott 2.36%
call 2.23%
have 2.05%
open 2.00%
follow 1.96%
follow + n. >>共 1020
suit 6.02%
lead 1.99%
report 1.85%
meeting 1.75%
attack 1.72%
series 1.33%
rule 1.09%
example 1.08%
procedure 1.02%
death 1.02%
session 0.12%
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