1.   Another joint session is scheduled for today, when owners are expected to present their views on realignment.

2.   Another listening session is scheduled for Thursday.

3.   Another training session is scheduled for this week.

4.   Another negotiating session is scheduled Tuesday, but neither side has offered new proposals in the last two sessions.

5.   Another session is tentatively scheduled for Thursday night and parents are invited.

6.   Another negotiating session is scheduled for next week.

7.   Another session is scheduled for Thursday.

8.   Another session is scheduled Tuesday, and a breakthrough might yet allow Delta to salvage the purchase schedule.

9.   As of Monday, no further negotiation sessions were scheduled.

10.   A court session is not scheduled for Wednesday, in observance of the holiday.

v. + session >>共 294
attend 13.67%
hold 10.06%
schedule 5.39%
plan 2.76%
close 2.36%
boycott 2.36%
call 2.23%
have 2.05%
open 2.00%
follow 1.96%
schedule + n. >>共 726
meeting 10.76%
hearing 9.92%
talk 5.17%
vote 4.28%
game 3.50%
election 3.44%
service 2.03%
funeral 2.01%
session 1.80%
trial 1.67%
每页显示:    共 120