1.   A few days later, members of a dissident peasant organization took local government officials hostage.

2.   Local people recently took officials hostage and blockaded the town in opposition to the development plans.

3.   The deportation of the Puebla priest so enraged local residents that they blocked highways and took municipal officials hostage.

4.   Police and security service agents shot and wounded two of the three criminals who seized jail officials hostage Sunday, freeing the captives unharmed, the Interior Ministry said.

5.   Prosecutors said Neale entered a meeting room and began shooting, taking Mayor Ron Loveridge and six other officials hostage.

6.   A former postal worker who stormed City Hall and took the mayor and a group of city officials hostage two years ago was convicted of attempted murder Monday.

7.   A group of militants from Tajikistan traveled across the border into another former Soviet republic of Kyrgyzstan and seized five officials hostage, a news agency said Thursday.

8.   According to France-Info radio, the man took the officials hostage to protest allegedly inadequate care he claimed that two of his family members received.

9.   Armed supporters of the group seized control of several towns and villages and took dozens of government officials hostage last month.

10.   Brazilian Indians routinely take officials hostage as a way of pressing their demands.

n. + hostage >>共 287
peacekeeper 11.55%
people 7.19%
guard 5.05%
woman 3.17%
employee 2.91%
nurse 2.65%
official 2.48%
soldier 2.31%
prison 1.88%
child 1.80%
official + n. >>共 397
say 16.02%
close 7.30%
fear 6.04%
point 4.84%
hope 3.87%
claim 3.06%
suspect 2.31%
hostage 2.16%
worry 1.79%
access 1.56%
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