1.   One unconfirmed report said Hamilton had intended to take the children hostage but that his plan went awry.

2.   Paris children held hostage An masked man armed with a revolver is holding twenty-five children hostage in a nursery school in Paris.

3.   An masked man armed with a revolver is holding twenty-five children hostage in a nursery school in Paris.

4.   It would be tragic if public schools helped make black children hostage to Ebonics.

5.   She said she did not know why the gunman had taken the children hostage.

6.   Philippine soldiers rescued two child hostages Sunday in a clash with Muslim rebels who had held the children and seven others since March.

7.   A man died after swallowing a cyanide-based pesticide after holding his estranged wife and their five children hostage, police said Monday.

8.   But two others hid in the apartment, seizing a woman and her children hostage, the report said.

9.   News reports said the gunman opened fire after trying to take the children hostage.

n. + hostage >>共 287
peacekeeper 11.55%
people 7.19%
guard 5.05%
woman 3.17%
employee 2.91%
nurse 2.65%
official 2.48%
soldier 2.31%
prison 1.88%
child 1.80%
child + n. >>共 903
care 12.25%
abuse 10.58%
pornography 5.69%
support 5.22%
molester 2.01%
prostitution 1.84%
soldier 1.66%
labour 1.55%
case 1.45%
seat 1.41%
hostage 0.25%
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