1.   And White House officials worry the party has been hurt by the fractures resulting from the battle.

2.   Club officials worry the added weight might worsen an already tender knee.

3.   Farm officials worry the goals announced Thursday will lower that number so that too many small farms will face expensive upgrades.

4.   Health care officials worry the outbreak could wreak havoc.

5.   Health officials worry the tobacco campaign is enticing more Russians, particularly teen-agers, to smoke.

6.   In addition to concerns about regional gridlock, state and local officials expressed worry Thursday that gasoline from the tanker might have entered storm sewers.

7.   Moreover, many government officials worry that if the United States economy falters, Clinton will be too weakened to resist protectionist pressures from Congress.

8.   Officials worry it may be a harbinger of problems two years from now.

9.   Officials worry that the technology will be too successful and that smugglers will go out of their way to avoid CargoSearch.

10.   U.S. officials worry that could slow a domestic demand-led recovery and lead to a greater dependence on exports.

n. + worry >>共 280
injury 9.54%
investor 6.85%
earnings 5.05%
security 3.82%
inflation 3.70%
official 2.69%
money 2.36%
advocate 2.13%
profit 1.80%
health 1.68%
official + n. >>共 397
say 16.02%
close 7.30%
fear 6.04%
point 4.84%
hope 3.87%
claim 3.06%
suspect 2.31%
hostage 2.16%
worry 1.79%
access 1.56%
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