1.   An objective test would be determined by a court.

2.   If you enjoy games, why not compile a list of objective test questions to use in Trivial Pursuits?

3.   This is an objective test which does not depend upon either the skill or the resources of the particular occupier.

4.   What we need is an objective test that we can apply from the outside to distinguish whether an organism has free will.

5.   But neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to show any effects upon these American sailors.

6.   Aldous J. said the question of infringement involved an objective test through the eyes of a person to whom the design is directed.

7.   Instead, the courts will subject the clause to the objective test of reasonableness.

8.   Disparagement of objective tests is a third way to detect progressivists.

9.   For now, analysis by a qualified doctor is the only way to diagnose psychological problems, but researchers are working on more objective tests.

10.   Instead, many states rely on objective tests that use multiple-choice questions.

a. + test >>共 759
nuclear 12.14%
first 5.93%
second 3.39%
positive 2.82%
new 2.71%
medical 2.43%
further 2.42%
standardized 2.32%
french 2.02%
underground 1.90%
objective 0.09%
objective + n. >>共 203
measure 5.38%
criterion 4.82%
standard 3.53%
assessment 3.53%
observer 3.34%
reality 3.15%
test 3.15%
measurement 2.78%
information 2.41%
evidence 2.23%
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