1.   The last thing I wanted was to relapse into the role of a patronizing objective observer.

2.   An objective observer, if there is such a thing nowadays, might wonder if the Republicans are overreaching.

3.   And I felt I succeeded in making the camera an active participant as well, rather than just being an objective observer.

4.   A more objective observer would say that their fears are misplaced.

5.   In all, the Alsops were far more than objective observers.

6.   Most objective observers agree with him.

7.   Not that Gilbert is the most objective observer of Agassi.

8.   Of course, Hoynes is not an objective observer himself.

9.   On all three counts, it was an assessment few objective observers would dispute.

10.   Parents are often so hopeful for results, they see them where objective observers would not.

a. + observer >>共 497
international 23.44%
military 11.76%
political 9.36%
foreign 6.82%
independent 4.76%
western 2.26%
casual 2.16%
legal 2.10%
unarmed 1.63%
outside 1.59%
objective 0.37%
objective + n. >>共 203
measure 5.38%
criterion 4.82%
standard 3.53%
assessment 3.53%
observer 3.34%
reality 3.15%
test 3.15%
measurement 2.78%
information 2.41%
evidence 2.23%
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