1.   For this reason objective measurement is not possible and the exactitude of the natural sciences can not be duplicated.

2.   Observations of behaviour based on objective measurement will make it possible to produce statements of cause and effect.

3.   Please write down two or more objective measurements.

4.   Patients who give a histoiry of previous anal fistula or abscess represent another subgroup in whom objective measurement of anal sphincteric function before operation is essential.

5.   The method is particularly valuable as an objective measurement to assess the response to therapy.

6.   Under these circumstances, it is not surprising that objective measurements are not commonplace in clinical practice and remain largely a research tool.

7.   An objective physiological measurement is therefore preferable to asking people how they feel.

8.   Imaging technology now allows researchers to observe the brain in action, providing insights into the diseases and objective measurements in evaluating how drugs work.

a. + measurement >>共 253
accurate 6.47%
precise 6.29%
new 4.90%
exact 3.15%
objective 2.62%
direct 2.27%
first 1.57%
detailed 1.57%
quantitative 1.40%
scientific 1.40%
objective + n. >>共 203
measure 5.38%
criterion 4.82%
standard 3.53%
assessment 3.53%
observer 3.34%
reality 3.15%
test 3.15%
measurement 2.78%
information 2.41%
evidence 2.23%
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