1.   Final Scratch is not the only music or technology company looking to help a growing DJ culture embrace digital music.

2.   Looking good can help, as any mayor knows.

3.   Oakley also maintained that looking good can help take the sting away from playing for a team with a lousy record.

4.   Still, investment funds, commercial banks and junk bond investors are awash in cash and looking to help finance takeovers.

5.   That the restaurant looks good helps.

6.   The Chicago Cubs acquired right-handed reliever David Weathers from the Milwaukee Brewers on Monday, looking for bullpen help in their chase of a playoff spot,

v. + help >>共 440
be 4.98%
have 3.08%
buying 2.49%
do 2.37%
say 1.42%
fall 1.18%
win 1.18%
counsel 1.18%
funding 1.07%
spending 1.07%
look 0.71%
look + v. >>共 215
be 28.60%
forward 3.36%
out 2.80%
like 2.80%
make 2.24%
back 2.06%
see 1.68%
find 1.50%
down 1.31%
help 1.12%
每页显示:    共 6