1.   Build a charcoal fire in one side of an outdoor grill and let burn until covered with white ash.

2.   Do not let burn.

3.   Do not let garlic burn.

4.   In the packed stairwells, people stepped aside to let burn victims speed past.

5.   When cooking, be careful not to let anchovies burn, or they will taste bitter.

6.   Even more controversial is deciding what buildings and land to save from fire and what to let burn.

v. + burn >>共 101
suffer 51.98%
have 8.24%
sustain 3.65%
receive 3.49%
cause 2.85%
still 2.69%
conduct 1.43%
prevent 1.27%
let 0.95%
treat 0.95%
let + n. >>共 750
people 2.50%
rest 2.32%
air 2.20%
child 1.53%
company 1.10%
slide 0.98%
user 0.92%
reporter 0.92%
inspector 0.85%
cat 0.85%
burn 0.37%
每页显示:    共 6