1.   Auriemma is not one to let things slide.

2.   But the symbolism is too much to let slide.

3.   But there is no week anymore where you can let emotion slide.

4.   But, beyond all the symbolism, Israelis worry Clinton will try to revive Wye by letting Arafat slide on promises to fight terrorism.

5.   Dave must have let things slide, what with the big event coming up.

6.   He believes in paying attention to the details we let slide.

7.   However, if your boss lets this slide or blames you, then the two of them deserve each other, and you deserve something better.

8.   In short, they let racism slide and, sliding, it goes on to do its acid evil.

9.   Lawmakers should have to pay if they let slide a chance to impose charter-school accountability.

10.   Let school slide.

v. + slide >>共 209
halt 7.25%
continue 6.91%
stop 5.44%
stem 3.74%
show 3.51%
lead 3.51%
trigger 3.40%
begin 3.28%
resume 3.17%
reverse 2.83%
let 1.81%
let + n. >>共 750
people 2.50%
rest 2.32%
air 2.20%
child 1.53%
company 1.10%
slide 0.98%
user 0.92%
reporter 0.92%
inspector 0.85%
cat 0.85%
每页显示:    共 16