1.   Do you feel that the language problem is a fundamental stumbling block for art historians?

2.   However, this does not in itself overcome the language problems which have arisen during the period of isolation.

3.   Surprisingly, the language problems produced by other forms of damage do not necessarily follow these principles derived from stroke patients.

4.   Even though there are a few language problems.

5.   The practitioners frequently have no form of writing and their multitude of languages present great problems for translators.

6.   Annoyance, Ms. Sugino said, is likely to be exacerbated by the language problem.

7.   A friendly security person briefed us on our destination, telling us not to worry about language problems in China.

8.   Also, many medical personnel are not American, and language problems are possible.

9.   But the bill has languished on Beacon Hill, dogged by language problems and opposed by private industry.

10.   Doctors came from France to help bridge cultural divides and language problems as the doctors dealt with relatives.

n. + problem >>共 955
health 11.61%
heart 4.65%
drug 2.79%
security 2.11%
computer 1.60%
safety 1.51%
knee 1.51%
image 1.25%
injury 1.12%
kidney 0.97%
language 0.37%
language + n. >>共 504
barrier 10.45%
skill 6.17%
course 3.17%
problem 2.71%
class 2.47%
newspaper 2.43%
program 2.18%
teacher 2.14%
school 2.10%
requirement 1.85%
每页显示:    共 66