1.   I wrote asking for information about language classes.

2.   Although only two students were of Welsh descent, four are taking Welsh language classes, and all said Welsh cultural activities were the center of their social lives.

3.   And advocacy groups are providing citizenship and language classes, helping to eliminate some of the longstanding barriers to citizenship.

4.   And there are Somalis, Sudanese and Bosnians showing up at Don Bosco Community Center for English language classes.

5.   Asian language classes, particularly those teaching Mandarin, are increasingly popular.

6.   As part of their social studies and language arts classes, they read stories for the first time about the genocide of the Jews of Europe.

7.   At the outset, the board will not be able to offer dual language classes to everyone.

8.   At the other extreme, firms like Trimble Navigation in Sunnyvale offer their workers free English language classes on company time.

9.   A few years ago, he sought to improve his Spanish by taking language classes on weekends.

10.   A reader named Milton S. sent along a humorous tale about a French language class that was discussing how nouns in French are designated either masculine or feminine.

n. + class >>共 855
business 3.59%
freshman 3.48%
weight 3.31%
college 2.39%
gym 2.36%
dance 2.17%
math 1.99%
art 1.89%
science 1.87%
history 1.82%
language 1.42%
language + n. >>共 504
barrier 10.45%
skill 6.17%
course 3.17%
problem 2.71%
class 2.47%
newspaper 2.43%
program 2.18%
teacher 2.14%
school 2.10%
requirement 1.85%
每页显示:    共 60