1.   Diabetes can cause road safety problems.

2.   These high volumes of traffic pass through densely built up areas often of high environmental quality and this results in congestion, delay and road safety problems.

3.   Although some employees had warned management of these problems, top company officials ignored their advice and instead harassed and reprimanded those workers who pointed out the safety problems.

4.   Among other things, they told of inspectors who are ill-trained, unsupervised and fearful of losing their jobs if they report safety problems.

5.   An outside top-to-bottom safety review last month said the plant was adequate but beset by safety problems, including computer problems.

6.   And the doomed plane had been forced to return to airports seven times in the last two years for safety problems.

7.   Another one could harden the impression that the airline has a safety problem.

8.   As an example, she pointed to how a Pacoima elementary school and the surrounding Los Angeles community solved a major safety problem.

9.   As a start, the FAA wants to ease the penalties that discourage airlines and airline workers from reporting safety problems.

10.   Armey said the Web site could create a public safety problem for Smith.

n. + problem >>共 955
health 11.61%
heart 4.65%
drug 2.79%
security 2.11%
computer 1.60%
safety 1.51%
knee 1.51%
image 1.25%
injury 1.12%
kidney 0.97%
safety + n. >>共 393
standard 5.97%
concern 4.85%
measure 3.94%
board 3.27%
issue 2.85%
regulation 2.66%
rule 2.61%
problem 2.56%
reason 2.49%
official 2.31%
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