1.   My front rod-rests are fitted with electric bite alarms and I couple these with tubes of silver kitchen foil as indicators.

2.   Put a piece of kitchen foil on the plate and then the mould on top of that.

3.   To increase the amount of light, line the box with aluminium kitchen foil.

4.   Put kitchen foil, shiny side facing you, on the wall behind any radiators fitted on outside walls to reflect heat.

5.   Kitchen foil will do, but the heavy-duty stuff, sold in building supply stores, will do better.

n. + foil >>共 22
aluminum 86.88%
aluminium 3.90%
kitchen 2.13%
duty 0.71%
acidic-sweet 0.35%
cigarette 0.35%
graphite 0.35%
holiday 0.35%
hologram 0.35%
iron 0.35%
kitchen + n. >>共 451
table 14.93%
knife 6.39%
floor 6.05%
counter 5.90%
window 4.05%
sink 3.75%
door 3.27%
appliance 3.16%
utensil 2.27%
towel 2.04%
foil 0.22%
每页显示:    共 6