kitchen table 26.46   A very large kitchen table.
  kitchen knife 11.32   Sharp kitchen knives.
  kitchen floor 10.73   Kitchen floor rotted.
  kitchen counter 10.47   On the kitchen counter, crumbs.
  kitchen window 7.18   Out of his kitchen window.
  kitchen sink 6.65   The kitchen sink leaked.
  kitchen door 5.79   Juliet pushed open the kitchen door.
  kitchen appliance 5.60   Kitchen appliances?
  kitchen utensil 4.02   He has worked at a factory that makes kitchen utensils.
  kitchen towel 3.62   Do we need any kitchen towels?
  kitchen wall 2.76   Souvenir plates on the kitchen wall.
  kitchen chair 2.70   Grandpa sat on a kitchen chair.
  kitchen equipment 2.57   One section identifies kitchen equipment.
  kitchen staff 2.57   Will the kitchen staff obey her?
  kitchen gadget 2.11   I am not a collector of kitchen gadgets.
  kitchen area 2.04   The kitchen area is rather small.
  kitchen stove 1.65   She was heating water on the kitchen stove for laundry.
  kitchen worker 1.65   Kitchen worker ran terrorist-training group from his apartment,
  kitchen cupboard 1.58   Hm in the kitchen cupboard.
  kitchen string 1.45   Tie securely with kitchen string.
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