1.   A second, designed to be installed above a kitchen counter, would be a television and electronic recipe holder.

2.   Before opening it, he grudgingly used the microwave to heat a cup of cocoa, then sat at the kitchen counter.

3.   Ellie moved gingerly between the table and the kitchen counter, buttering toast and pouring cups of tea.

4.   He had his guest sit at the kitchen counter.

5.   I ran my hand over the huge jars lined up like oxygen tanks on the kitchen counters against the walls.

6.   I sagged back against the kitchen counter.

7.   She leaned against the kitchen counter.

8.   She left her book of crossword puzzles folded open on the kitchen counter.

9.   Standing at the kitchen counter, shuffling his feet to the music, he caught himself smiling from ear to ear.

10.   Standing at the kitchen counter, whining baby pulling on my legs.

n. + counter >>共 273
kitchen 12.61%
ticket 10.86%
checkout 6.34%
lunch 4.60%
run 4.12%
vote 3.73%
check-in 3.33%
meat 3.09%
deli 1.74%
cosmetic 1.51%
kitchen + n. >>共 451
table 14.93%
knife 6.39%
floor 6.05%
counter 5.90%
window 4.05%
sink 3.75%
door 3.27%
appliance 3.16%
utensil 2.27%
towel 2.04%
每页显示:    共 158