1.   Always grate the lemon zest before you juice the lemon.

2.   Juice the lemon.

3.   Juice the lemons.

4.   Some cooks like the pointed wooden reamer, used to juice the lemon while holding it over a bowl.

5.   Zest and juice the lemons.

v. + lemon >>共 84
squeeze 12.29%
cut 10.61%
add 3.35%
juice 2.79%
hold 2.79%
slice 2.79%
buy 2.23%
peel 2.23%
turn 2.23%
use 2.23%
juice + n. >>共 34
ball 15.79%
lemon 8.77%
fruit 5.26%
player 5.26%
bar 3.51%
citrus 3.51%
concentrate 3.51%
corn 3.51%
lime 3.51%
stock 3.51%
每页显示:    共 5