1.   Peel the lemons, carefully removing all the white pith.

2.   Peel lemon, and add peel to the mixture.

3.   Simply peel a lemon, removing the skin and the white pith underneath, and cut enough of the flesh into small cubes to have two tablespoons.

4.   Use a citrus peeler to peel lemon directly over shredded chicken.

v. + lemon >>共 84
squeeze 12.29%
cut 10.61%
add 3.35%
juice 2.79%
hold 2.79%
slice 2.79%
buy 2.23%
peel 2.23%
turn 2.23%
use 2.23%
peel + n. >>共 175
potato 10.05%
eye 6.47%
paint 5.96%
onion 3.92%
orange 3.75%
skin 2.56%
apple 2.39%
pear 2.39%
layer 2.21%
cucumber 2.04%
lemon 0.68%
每页显示:    共 4