1.   His interrogation methods are pathetic, as witnessed by the two masters, Pembleton and Bayliss.

2.   Historically, they have accepted information obtained from other countries where harsher interrogation methods are used.

3.   It also described the interrogation methods in unflinching detail.

4.   Shin Bet says that had the harsher interrogation method been permitted last Saturday, the Monday attack could have been prevented.

5.   The debate underlined fundamental disagreements over interrogation methods between the Israelis and the independent experts.

6.   There are no jury trials in either Japan or South Korea, and police interrogators are often accused of using harsh interrogation methods to induce confessions.

7.   A U.N. human rights committee said Friday that Israeli interrogation methods such as prolonged sleep deprivation and violent shaking amount to torture and should be halted immediately.

8.   An earlier version of the law described the kinds of interrogation methods that could be used under emergency circumstances.

9.   Another interrogation method is vigorous shaking of the suspect, said PCATI Executive Director Hannah Friedman.

10.   Betselem and other human rights groups have said that even standard Shin Bet interrogation methods amounted to systematic mistreatment.

n. + method >>共 767
production 3.90%
research 3.08%
interrogation 1.71%
construction 1.71%
business 1.66%
detection 1.30%
survey 1.24%
treatment 1.24%
police 1.18%
prevention 1.12%
interrogation + n. >>共 37
room 20.29%
method 14.01%
center 13.04%
session 12.56%
technique 5.80%
procedure 2.90%
tactics 2.90%
centre 2.90%
team 1.93%
practice 1.93%
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