1.   The research does suggest that in Dermakot at least they can incorporate our findings into their fire prevention methods and techniques.

2.   The most important way to avoid the consequences of hepatitis is through prevention methods such as universal precautions and the hepatitis B vaccine.

3.   Articles explain warning signs for health conditions and advocate specific prevention methods.

4.   According to that study, retailers on average spent the equivalent of half-a-percent of their sales on loss prevention methods.

5.   According to the Humane Society most dog bites can be avoided through prevention methods and having responsible owners.

6.   He called for pressure on politicians to get prevention methods and treatment to more people.

7.   In the meantime, women need to be educated about their risks and the prevention methods available today, health officials say.

8.   One prevention method involves the use of an electric cable strung in a zig-zag pattern around the perimeter of the roof.

9.   Private and government researchers should look for better screening tools, as well as effective female-controlled prevention methods, such as germ-killing spermicidal creams.

10.   She discusses AIDS prevention methods, past, present and future.

n. + method >>共 767
production 3.90%
research 3.08%
interrogation 1.71%
construction 1.71%
business 1.66%
detection 1.30%
survey 1.24%
treatment 1.24%
police 1.18%
prevention 1.12%
prevention + n. >>共 150
program 26.41%
effort 12.06%
measure 5.76%
campaign 3.62%
strategy 3.35%
method 2.55%
message 2.41%
education 1.47%
expert 1.34%
group 1.34%
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