1.   A mixture of qualitative and quantitative research methods will be employed to collect evidence about the efficacy and impact of the Plans.

2.   Changes in teaching and research methods have resulted in the Arts developing new initiatives in the area of information technology.

3.   Demanding but worthwhile effort to unify qualitative and quantitative research methods under one logic of inference.

4.   Most of the students explained far too little about their research methods.

5.   Next it is a history of developing research methods, employing those ideas and investigating those questions.

6.   Once the criteria for the research methods were established it was possible to rule out certain types of approach.

7.   Research methods will include interviews, a survey of relevant documents, a questionnaire and limited observation.

8.   Textbooks on research methods rarely mention the problems that arise when undertaking research on controversial topics or conducting it in sensitive locations.

n. + method >>共 767
production 3.90%
research 3.08%
interrogation 1.71%
construction 1.71%
business 1.66%
detection 1.30%
survey 1.24%
treatment 1.24%
police 1.18%
prevention 1.12%
research + n. >>共 733
center 5.62%
project 5.43%
group 4.91%
institute 4.06%
firm 3.99%
team 3.77%
program 2.33%
organization 2.06%
director 1.98%
facility 1.95%
method 0.60%
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