1.   In this way, he reasoned, the ruin of the numbers supported by horse carriage would be avoided.

2.   Clair Dalton is reviving the traditional horse drawn carriage.

3.   So far, New York has taken the position that the horse carriages are a tourist draw, even in the face of continuing complaints.

4.   The horse carriages still ply the hilly roads of Lancaster County, a black top indicating a Mennonite driver and a gray top an Amish one.

5.   The Old Town Trolley also can be picked up near the horse carriage.

6.   Three children hang underneath a horse driven carriage in Kunduz, Friday.

7.   Others rode on horse drawn carriages, once restricted to a small area near the Acropolis and the ancient ruins that surround it.

8.   At Lake Titiwangsa, activities to be closed included boating, canoeing, aquaferry rides, aquabikes and horse carriage and horseback riding.

n. + carriage >>共 48
train 22.92%
railway 12.50%
lace 7.64%
horse 5.56%
garter 3.47%
rail 3.47%
passenger 3.47%
rear 3.47%
horsedrawn 2.78%
elevator 2.08%
horse + n. >>共 380
racing 21.80%
owner 4.91%
farm 3.59%
trainer 3.41%
show 2.81%
track 2.34%
manure 1.92%
cart 1.86%
trailer 1.80%
meat 1.62%
carriage 0.48%
每页显示:    共 8