1.   This is of great advantage to good horse trainers, but a real bane to poor ones.

2.   Andree Forzani, a Carmel Valley horse trainer who knows the Roberts family, called the venture that produced the book a sterile and unoriginal stunt.

3.   At the Sunday training session there are a high-school boy, a truck driver, a TV set designer and a horse trainer.

4.   Behind the rimless glasses through which he views the world, horse trainer Bill Mott gives the impression of a theologian.

5.   Because Baffert is unique, personalitywise, for a horse trainer, he once rode a wave of nothing but positive publicity.

6.   A horse trainer!

7.   A great horse trainer I was in business with.

8.   All seriousness aside, as the late Steve Allen often said, Bob Baffert is a pretty damn good horse trainer, too.

9.   Chuck Herbert, president of the professional organization for horse trainers, could not be reached for comment.

10.   Coffee is a horse trainer, a bulldogger, and calf roper, and he served in the Army for three years.

n. + trainer >>共 167
team 18.37%
horse 9.88%
fitness 6.41%
head 5.37%
dog 4.85%
jet 3.29%
racehorse 2.43%
elephant 1.91%
dodger 1.56%
teacher 1.39%
horse + n. >>共 380
racing 21.80%
owner 4.91%
farm 3.59%
trainer 3.41%
show 2.81%
track 2.34%
manure 1.92%
cart 1.86%
trailer 1.80%
meat 1.62%
每页显示:    共 57