1.   Candidates must run as individuals, not as party representatives, and parties are not allowed to raise money, hold meetings or campaign.

2.   Hold regular Regular meetings designed to maintain and keep the peace.

3.   In truth, he said, it had done little at all except hold meetings.

4.   Barak was two hold two working meetings with U.S. President Bill Clinton and dine with him twice over a period of four days.

5.   China has tended not to seek out members of Congress, but hold meetings and briefing with Congressional delegations that visited China.

6.   The NATO secretary-general was also meeting with Defence Minister Volker Ruehe and leaders of the opposition Social Democrats, and holds further meetings with government leaders Friday.

n. + meeting >>共 825
summit 12.07%
board 8.31%
two-day 4.58%
team 4.56%
policy 3.65%
weekend 2.70%
week 2.25%
morning 2.04%
business 2.02%
staff 1.92%
hold 0.06%
hold + n. >>共 164
talk 8.25%
election 3.63%
promise 2.64%
recommendation 2.31%
time 2.31%
meeting 1.98%
rating 1.98%
sway 1.98%
stock 1.65%
order 1.65%
每页显示:    共 6