1.   All cases are presented and discussed at the weekly team meeting, after which an initial diagnosis is made.

2.   Employees are expected and required to attend team meetings.

3.   Employees are involved in drawing up a code of conduct for their team meetings.

4.   Hold team meetings to discuss problems.

5.   If you identify to outstanding contribution to profit, proclaim it at your nest team meeting.

6.   Interviews conducted by the consultant with a sample of twenty-four employees elicit a positive response to team meetings.

7.   Lynne and I have a project team meeting in the morning.

8.   More than forty team rooms have been built in the plant for team meetings, briefings and debriefings, and work breaks.

9.   Planning and reviewing should be implicit in any team meeting - as much as the actual activity.

10.   Shortly after joining his or her team, our new employee will experience the first of many team meetings.

n. + meeting >>共 825
summit 12.07%
board 8.31%
two-day 4.58%
team 4.56%
policy 3.65%
weekend 2.70%
week 2.25%
morning 2.04%
business 2.02%
staff 1.92%
team + n. >>共 692
member 7.16%
official 6.29%
owner 4.85%
doctor 4.37%
captain 3.63%
leader 3.42%
manager 2.79%
meeting 2.79%
coach 2.68%
physician 2.57%
每页显示:    共 439