1.   Aside from conducting investigations on accidents and sea mishaps, they also recommend the issuance of hold departure orders against any vessel which violate maritime safety rules and regulations.

2.   Filsyn , through its representatives, maintained that the hold order on the cement had resulted in delays of the Metro Manila Skyway Project for which it was earmarked.

3.   Investigators are seeking the hold order after two witnesses said they saw the woman fleeing from the place where Muriyuki Uemura was shot and killed before dawn Saturday.

4.   It said the hold order has become academic because of a recent compromise between Tan and other PAL shareholders.

5.   Mendoza said lawyers for Jalosjos filed a motion to quash the information and a hold order on the issuing of a warrant of arrest.

n. + order >>共 803
factory 5.35%
government 4.68%
world 3.41%
evacuation 3.37%
deportation 3.20%
sell 3.16%
goods 2.91%
arrest 1.90%
buy 1.85%
limit 1.73%
hold 0.11%
hold + n. >>共 164
talk 8.25%
election 3.63%
promise 2.64%
recommendation 2.31%
time 2.31%
meeting 1.98%
rating 1.98%
sway 1.98%
stock 1.65%
order 1.65%
每页显示:    共 5