1.   An open ground may occur if the copper ground wire comes loose from its connection.

2.   At first the ground wire ran from a green screw on the receptacle to a screw on the metal junction box.

3.   Connect the ground wires as indicated by the manufacturer.

4.   Connect all ground wires to the green terminals.

5.   First, make sure the ground wire is still secured to the green terminal on the receptacle.

6.   Ground wires provide extra protection.

7.   He said computers use the ground wire as a reference point and to protect delicate components.

8.   If the box is plastic touch the bare ground wire.

9.   I repeated the process with the white wire and attached the ground wire to the electrical box.

10.   If there is a ground wire on the receptacle, it should be removed and connected to the green grounding screw on the GFCI.

n. + wire >>共 179
telephone 11.83%
news 9.51%
waiver 9.13%
concertina 7.07%
trip 4.63%
cable 3.47%
steel 2.83%
phone 2.83%
ground 2.44%
power 1.93%
ground + n. >>共 633
troop 19.37%
force 9.69%
rule 6.33%
beef 3.43%
controller 3.03%
attack 2.46%
stroke 2.41%
war 2.33%
game 2.08%
operation 1.69%
wire 0.32%
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